2011年8月24日 星期三



Sep. 5      Labor Day
Oct. 8-14 Co-curricular Week
Oct. 10    Thanksgiving
Dec. 23 - Jan. 2  Christmas/New Year's Break
Feb. 20   Family Day
April 6     Good Friday



1. touch or push (sb) with one's elbow to draw his attention to sth 以肘碰或推(某人)(使其注意某事物)
2. push (sb/sth) gently or gradually 輕推或漸漸觸到(某人[某物] 


Nudge, prod, poke, jab and stab indicate the action of pushing a hard or sharp object (eg a finger or stick) into a person or thing and are shown here in increasing order of force or violence. *nudgeprodpokejabstab等動詞表示的動作是以堅硬或尖銳的物體(如手指或棍棒)觸及人或物, 其力量大小或猛烈程度按由弱到強的順序排列如下
Nudge = push or touch gently, especially with one's elbow, in order to catch somebody's attention *nudge是輕推或輕觸, 尤指用肘部, 為使某人注意
Prod (at) = push, especially with a finger or stick, in order, for example, to make something move *prod (at)是推, 尤指用手指或棍棒, 如為使物體移動

餘下的三個動詞可用於以下兩種結構: poke/jab/stab somebody or something with a sharp object OR poke/jab/stab a sharp object into somebody or something. 
Poke (at) = push sharply *poke (at)是戳或捅
Jab (at) = strike forcefully and roughly with a sharp object *jab (at)是用鋒利的物體猛刺或亂戳
Stab = strike forcefully into somebody or something with a pointed object, especially a knife, in order to wound *stab是用尖銳的物體用力刺入某人或某物, 尤指用刀刺傷

我一直覺得衡量一個人的文筆或是思考能力,就要觀察用字的精準與豐富性,當然,首先要有龐大的字彙量,才能談得上精準。當我們想要用英文表達「戳刺」的概念時,有多少非native speaker腦海中能浮現這五種不同程度的字?如果我們知道的字彙量不夠,要如何拓展思考的深度與廣度?畢竟,思考必須由語言來支撐。




今天信箱收到宿舍寄來的信,大概就是說要大家不要驚慌,面對地震要怎麼辦。網路上有很多新聞討論昨天的地震。這個地震的震央在Washington D.C.的西南方,震度為5.8,美國總統立即詢問核能電廠是否有所影響,畢竟日本福島事件餘悸猶存。如果美東也發生輻射外洩,事情就真的很大條了,那我是不是要拋下一切飛回台灣呢?


Forwarded on behalf of Richard Francki, Assistant Vice-President, Campus Services and Business Operations

CSBO Information Notice - Post Earthquake

Please distribute the following information to your staff/building occupants.

At approximately 1:54pm this afternoon a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred south west of Washington, D.C. Tremors were felt as far away as Sudbury, Ontario. Tremors were felt here at York University as well.  No injuries or damage as a result have been reported.

Aftershocks are common after an earthquake occurs and can continue for several weeks afterwards.

Please keep the following information in mind in the event of any aftershocks.

1 - Do not evacuate any building while it is shaking. Wait for the shaking to stop before evacuating, if necessary. Take refuge under tables or desks to offer protection from any items that may fall. Stay there until the shaking stops.

2 - In most cases, it may not be necessary to evacuate the building as a result of minor tremors or shaking. It is generally not necessary to evacuate unless there is some visible structural damage such as cracks in walls, floors, etc., or other dangers present.

3 - Do not pull the fire alarm specifically to evacuate a building after an earthquake. This puts an unnecessary strain on emergency services. Only pull the fire alarm is there is smoke, fire, gas leak, or other emergency situation - then call 911 immediately.

4 - If evacuation of the building is necessary, leave using the nearest, safest exit and using the stairs only. DO NOT use elevators. Walk calmly out of the building. Do not run. Watch for falling debris as you exit.

5 - Go directly to your buildings designated emergency assembly point and await further instructions.

Please refer to your Emergency Response Guidebook for more detailed information.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Katherine Branton, Manager of Emergency Preparedness at ext 55258 or brantonk@yorku.ca.

2011年8月23日 星期二

