2011年5月20日 星期五


                   上胸           上腹         腰圍        下腹          臀圍         大腿          小腿           手臂圍

1月31日      81             69             76              80            92             49.5          34.5           24.5

2月09日      81            69.5           76              81           90.5            48             36             24.5

2月15日      78.5         66.5           74              79            90              48             35            23.5

2月21日      79             66.5          69              76           91.5           48.5          35.5          23.5

2月28日      79              65            74              78            90              48            35.5          23.5

3月07日     79.5           66.5          73              76           90.5           48.5         35.5           23.5

3月28日     77.5           66            71.5            76.5         89             47.5          34             23

4月07日     79             65             72.5           74.5          89             47.5         35.5          22.5

4月21日    77.5          65.5           71.5            75           89.5           48             35            21.5

4月28日    78             63.5           68.5           75.5         89.5           47            34.5          22.5

5月20日    79            66.0            70              74.5         88.5          46.5          35.5          21.5       

                    體重        體脂      內臟脂肪   基礎代謝      身體年齡   骨量          筋肉率

1月31日      54.95      28.6%        4.0            1173              30        2.3             36.95        
2月09日      55.5        27.0%        4.0            1204              26        2.4              38.1

2月15日      54.2       25.1%         3.5            1199              23        2.4              38.2

2月21日      53.4       26.3%         3.5            1167              25        2.3              37.5

2月28日      52.9       25.0%         3.0            1172              22        2.3              37.4

3月07日      53.3       25.9%         3.5            1170              24        2.3              37.2

3月28日      52.7       23.8%         3.0            1181              20        2.4              37.75

4月07日     52.25      22.7%         3.0            1184              19        2.4              38

4月21日     52.35      24.0%         3.0            1171              21        2.3              37.5

4月28日     51.75      23.2%         2.5           1167              19         2.3             37.45

5月20日     52.6        23.4%         3.0           1184              19         2.4             37.9


2011年5月18日 星期三




即使只是開始踏入有關MBA的領域,我所接收到的資訊與刺激,就已經非常不同於過去我所接觸到的環境。那是一個陌生的,全新的知識網絡。我遇到許多極為優秀的人,大多數都以悠然自在的方式展現他們的優異能力,這使我感到自己的渺小與有限。但,與此同時,我也看到許多優秀的人在能力與思考上的侷限性,不論再優秀,都有各自的問題要解決,也不是一路順遂的。如果說這過程我看到了很多,學到了很多,其中一項就是:沒有人是完美的! 每個人都有他獨特的地方,也有他不足的地方,不需太過自傲,也不需要太過謙卑。我很喜歡"不卑不亢"這詞,某種程度來說,就是我想要維持的與人相處的態度。不論你面對的是已經獲得巨大成功的人,或是社會地位不如你的人,都能維持一貫的態度,處之泰然。


2011年5月15日 星期日



Dear xx,
Thank you for your application to the Wharton MBA program. I regret that the Admissions Committee is unable to offer you a position in the Wharton MBA Class of 2013.
Each year we receive thousands of applications from highly qualified candidates for the Wharton MBA program. The Admissions Committee's job of selecting the class is extremely difficult as every candidate demonstrates unique and noteworthy professional and personal contributions and potential. We are left with the unpleasant task of denying admission to many fine individuals who would, no doubt, succeed in the program and contribute to Wharton's standard of excellence.
We greatly respect and appreciate the thoughtfulness, energy and enthusiasm that went into your application, I'd also like to thank you for taking the time to interview with us. Each year we are humbled by the accomplishments of the applicants we interview. Interview results are never the sole basis for our final decision, and your application was evaluated in its entirety before the final decision was made.
Please know that we have many successful reapplicants each year, and should you choose to reapply in a future year we provide ample guidance on our website to assist you. The Admissions Office will keep your application on file for two years. Please follow the procedures that will be included in next year's application (available online in July 2011). All reapplications will be reviewed within the context of the overall applicant population at that time.
Thank you again for your interest in Wharton. I wish you success in your graduate studies, as well as in your personal and professional endeavors.