2011年8月24日 星期三



1. touch or push (sb) with one's elbow to draw his attention to sth 以肘碰或推(某人)(使其注意某事物)
2. push (sb/sth) gently or gradually 輕推或漸漸觸到(某人[某物] 


Nudge, prod, poke, jab and stab indicate the action of pushing a hard or sharp object (eg a finger or stick) into a person or thing and are shown here in increasing order of force or violence. *nudgeprodpokejabstab等動詞表示的動作是以堅硬或尖銳的物體(如手指或棍棒)觸及人或物, 其力量大小或猛烈程度按由弱到強的順序排列如下
Nudge = push or touch gently, especially with one's elbow, in order to catch somebody's attention *nudge是輕推或輕觸, 尤指用肘部, 為使某人注意
Prod (at) = push, especially with a finger or stick, in order, for example, to make something move *prod (at)是推, 尤指用手指或棍棒, 如為使物體移動

餘下的三個動詞可用於以下兩種結構: poke/jab/stab somebody or something with a sharp object OR poke/jab/stab a sharp object into somebody or something. 
Poke (at) = push sharply *poke (at)是戳或捅
Jab (at) = strike forcefully and roughly with a sharp object *jab (at)是用鋒利的物體猛刺或亂戳
Stab = strike forcefully into somebody or something with a pointed object, especially a knife, in order to wound *stab是用尖銳的物體用力刺入某人或某物, 尤指用刀刺傷

我一直覺得衡量一個人的文筆或是思考能力,就要觀察用字的精準與豐富性,當然,首先要有龐大的字彙量,才能談得上精準。當我們想要用英文表達「戳刺」的概念時,有多少非native speaker腦海中能浮現這五種不同程度的字?如果我們知道的字彙量不夠,要如何拓展思考的深度與廣度?畢竟,思考必須由語言來支撐。

