2011年5月10日 星期二


最近是各大商學院寄送申請結果的日子,大部分的人應該只想將錄取信公諸於世,拒絕信就默默知道就好,最好當成一切都沒發生過...其實,我也很想這樣看過就忘了,但想到老娘我也是花了一番心血準備,砸了大筆美金來申請的...只是,成為了成千上萬砲灰的其中一枚...嗚嗚~後來想想,就算只留下了一點點楂,也想要保存下來做個紀念,安慰自己: 我也是申請過名校的呢...囧

Kellogg Status Check

May 9, 2011
Dear XX:

The Admissions Committee has completed its review of your application for the Kellogg School of Management and Two-Year Program. Despite your many merits as a candidate, I regret to inform you that we are not able to offer you a place in the entering class.

The Admissions Committee carefully evaluated your application in the following areas: work experience, career plans, academic ability and performance, extracurricular and community involvement, leadership and interpersonal skills. Decisions are based upon a thorough evaluation of your individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as your qualifications relative to all others in our applicant pool. This decision is not a reflection of your personal qualities and achievements or your potential for success in management, but merely a reflection of the limited number of places in the class.

We certainly wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and thank you for your interest in the Kellogg School of Management and Two-Year Program .


Beth Flye
Assistant Dean, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid