2011年7月18日 星期一


看到"Your application to study or work in Canada has been approved."

好不容易,總算度過了這一陣子焦慮煎熬 茶飯不思的時期(明明還是吃很多...)

6/2   香港辦事處簽收申請文件
6/21 收到體檢表跟補交良民證
6/24 寄出文件
7/19 收到電子通知信

Your study or work permit will be issued to you upon arrival in Canada, subject to your compliance with the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its Regulations. It will allow you to study or work in Canada for a temporary period only. Read the terms and conditions carefully.

Type:                              Document no.:          Permit validity (YYYY/MM/DD):
Permit - SP / Permis    F31XXXXXXX         2013/09/30

You must enter Canada no later than the validity noted above. If you have been issued a visa, you must also enter no later than the visa validity date. This letter is not a passport or travel identification, and it is not a legal authorization permitting you to enter or remain in Canada.

聽說有人是收到紙本,連同offer letter一併寄回來。不知道香港那些大爺會不會將我的offer letter一起寄回來,如果沒有正本的話,可能會蠻麻煩的說...